Whirlpool WHP1000SQ
Boxing Week Deals Instore, Chat or Phone
Boxing Week Deals Instore, Chat or Phone
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Description & Features
Whirlpool WHP1000SQ Laundry Accessory, 27 inch Width

Raise your washer and dryer to an optimal ergonomic height. Designed for people who are 5 ft. 4 in. and under, the 10 in. pedestal brings the  dispensers to a more accessible height, easing the struggle with heavy detergent and bleach bottles. It also reduces the need to bend and stoop while loading and unloading laundry.

Raise your front load washer and dryer to a more comfortable height for loading and unloading. The 10" Laundry Pedestal is designed for people who are 5' 4" and under.

  • Raises Your Washer and Dryer to a More Comfortable Height for Loading and Unloading
  • Minimizes Bending and Stooping at Doors
  • Increases visibility and eases filling of additive dispensers
  • Matches Current Whirlpool® and Maytag® Frontload Laundry

Increases visibility and eases filling of additive dispensers

Manufacturer's Warranty: 1 year


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(Includes washers, dryers, and more.)
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(Gas connections, refrigerator waterline, dishwashers, etc.)
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