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Sécheuse DLEX3850V

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Laveuse WM3850HVA

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Desc & caractéristiques

Laveuse WM3850HVA

If you're looking for a front-load washer that can easily handle large loads, the LG WM3850HVA is an excellent option. This washer has a 5.2 cu. ft. capacity, making it ideal for busy families. Additionally, the LG WM3850HVA features steam cleaning technology to help eliminate dirt, odors, and wrinkles. Plus, with SmartThinQ technology, you can operate the washer remotely from your smartphone. So if you're looking for a front load washer that offers plenty of features and convenient operation, the LG WM3850HVA is an excellent choice.

One of the unique features of the LG WM3850HVA front-load washer is its use of sensors in the wash drum to detect the weight of each wash load. The AI Intelligent Care system helps the washer select the optimal wash pattern for each load, improving wash performance and extending the life of your clothes.

Plus, this front-load washer features 12 different wash cycles, helping you find the perfect setting for each load. Whether you're washing a heavy load of towels or a delicate load of lingerie, this LG will have a cycle that fits your needs. The washer also features a Sanitary cycle. This cycle uses high temperatures to kill bacteria and viruses.

Additionally, the LG WM3850HVA is equipped with ColdWash technology, penetrating deep into fabrics for cold water savings with warm water performance. Plus, with 6Motion Technology, this LG washer uses up to six different wash motions for maximum performance that's gentle on clothes. So you can save money on your energy bills without sacrificing wash quality.

If you're looking for even more convenience, the LG WM3850HVA features SmartThinQ technology. The SmartThingQ technology allows you to operate the washer remotely from your smartphone. So whether you're at work or on vacation, you can always keep an eye on your laundry.

The LG WM3850HVA is also compatible with the sidekick pedestal washer to raise the washer up to a more convenient height. It also makes it easy to load and unload laundry without bending over. Plus, it provides extra storage space for your laundry supplies.

If you are on the market for a new front-load washer, the LG WM3850HVA deserves a close look. Its large washtub accommodates up to 20 pounds of clothes, so you can get more done in less time. Battle the most challenging stains with LG's powerful steam technology, or save energy while achieving an optimal cleaning performance with the ColdWash technology feature.

UPC: 772454073625

Sécheuse DLEX3850V

Are you in the market for a new electric dryer? The LG DLEX3850V is a top-performing model that offers a range of convenient and energy-efficient features. With a ultra large capacity of 7.4 cu.ft., this front load dryer is perfect for busy households or anyone who loves to entertain.

One of the standout features of the LG DLEX3850V is the AI Sensor Dry™ Technology. This advanced technology uses artificial intelligence to optimize the drying cycle for each load, ensuring that your clothes come out perfectly dry every time.

In addition to its impressive AI technology, the LG DLEX3850V also features TurboSteam™. This handy feature allows you to quickly and easily refresh clothes, eliminate wrinkles, and reduce odors. It's perfect for those times when you don't have time to wash and dry a load of laundry.

Another great feature of the LG DLEX3850V is the FlowSense™ Duct Clogging Indicator. This indicator alerts you when it's time to clean the dryer ducts, helping to ensure that your dryer is operating at its best and most efficient.

In addition to its advanced features, the LG DLEX3850V also boasts an alluminized alloy steel drum. This durable drum is built to last and can handle even the heaviest loads with ease.

If you're looking for a dryer that's smart and connected, the LG DLEX3850V is definitely worth considering. With its ThinQ Wi-Fi Enabled technology, you can control and monitor your dryer from your smartphone or smart device.

Last but not least, the LG DLEX3850V is Energy Star qualified, meaning it meets strict energy efficiency guidelines. Not only will this help to reduce your energy bills, but it will also help to reduce your carbon footprint and do your part for the environment.

Overall, the LG DLEX3850V is a top-performing electric dryer that offers a range of convenient and energy-efficient features. If you're in the market for a new dryer, this is definitely a model to consider.

UPC: 772454073304


Laveuse WM3850HVA

Série LG
Capacité (pi3) 5.2
Sécheuse électrique assortie DLEX3850V
Aspect de conception Contrôle avant
Boutons tactiles Oui
Energy Star 2020 le plus efficace Oui
Nombre de programmes 12
Nombre d'options 13
Nombre de temps de lavage/rinçage 5
Nombre de vitesses 5
Niveaux d'eau Load Sensing - s'ajuste automatiquement à la taille de la charge
IA DD™ Oui
Cycle Allergiene™ Oui
Option ColdWash™ Oui
Système anti-vibration TrueBalance™ Oui
LoadSense Oui
Élimination automatique de la mousse Oui
Option de ventilation Ventilation à 4 voies
Diagnostic intelligent™ Oui
Démarrage à distance et moniteur de cycle Oui
Entraîneur de nettoyage de baignoire Oui
Type de moteur Moteur Inverter Direct Drive™
Vitesse du moteur Variable
Tambour en acier inoxydable NeveRust™ Oui
Panneau de contrôle Plastique
Couverture de porte Porte en verre trempé
Toutes les couleurs disponibles Acier graphite (V)
Notes Homologué UL
Taper Électrique
Piédestal WDP4V 27 x 14 1/8 x 30 3/4
Kit d'empilage KSTK1
Dimensions (LxHxP) 27 x 39 x 30 1/4 (55 avec porte ouverte)
Poids (Produit) 198,4 livres
Pièces et main d'œuvre 1 an
Tambour 3 années
WM3850HVA 772454073625
WD100CV 772454052866
KSTK1 772454059896

Sécheuse DLEX3850V

Série LG
Capacité (pi3) 7.4
Rondelle assortie WM3850HVA
Aspect de conception Contrôle avant
Boutons tactiles Oui
Qualifié ENERGY STAR® Oui
Nombre de programmes 12
Nombre d'options 12
Nombre de réglages de température 5
Nombre de niveaux de séchage 5
Temps de séchage manuel 60 min, 50 min, 40 min, 30 min, 20 min, Plus de temps/Moins de temps
AI Sensor Dry™ Oui
Contrôle précis de la température et chauffage variable Oui
Vérification de l'installation en 3 minutes Oui
Signal de fin de cycle Oui
Porte réversible Oui
Option soin des rides Oui
Option de ventilation Électrique : Ventilation à 4 voies
Affichage du temps restant/indicateur(s) d'état Oui
Diagnostic intelligent™ Oui
Démarrage à distance et moniteur de cycle Oui
Tambour en acier allié aluminisé Oui
Panneau de contrôle Plastique
Toutes les couleurs disponibles Acier graphite (V)
Notes Inscrit CSA
Taper Électrique
Piédestal WDP4V
Kit d'empilage KSTK1
Dimensions (LxHxP) 27 x 39 x 30 1/8 (51 3/8 D avec porte ouverte)
Poids (Produit) 126,2 livres
Pièces et main d'œuvre 1 an
WM3850HVA 772454073625
WD100CV 772454052866
KSTK1 772454059896


Laveuse WM3850HVA

LG Laundry 2024 LG Laundry 2024

Sécheuse DLEX3850V

LG Laundry 2024 LG Laundry 2024